Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So here in Aussie they don't do letter grades for report cards. Your child is either below grade level, at grade level or above. We had parent teacher conference's last night and got the reports for both. Both kids are doing awesome and are at or above in all areas.

Colin's teacher says she is working on him learning it's nice to be the first one done but he has to be quiet and not disrupt his classmates so they can finish as well. They don't come home with any homework, here they believe they are kids and should go home to play. They each have to read one book a night, but that's it. With that said it was nice to go see some of Colin's work and see what they are working on. In English  they are writing stories with a beginning, middle and end with correct punctuation. Comma's, question marks, full stops(period). He wrote about being attacked by a dragon and an army guy came in with a helicopter and saved him, but took him home, to Africa. In math they start multiplication and division this next term. He is doing awesome in all areas and likes science the most.

MaKayla is amazing me with what she has learned this last term. She can sound out most words when she tries and is starting to read. I try not to think that she is behind since she is ahead of her classmates back home, but in K back home they learn so much more so I guess come next year she will be right on track, and we still have half a year left. Her teacher was super proud. She always tries, has many friends and is always willing and ready.

Boy, they must take after Daddy! LOL


  1. That is awesome that they are doing so well. I figured they would do great. I'm glad you guys are getting to experience new things. even though we miss you all. Also, they take after both of you.

  2. Of course there doing great, there super smart kids. I knew you wouldn't have any problems. Tell them sissy loves them very much and is so proud of them!

  3. Thanks ladies. I miss both of you and the kids sooo much.
